The Irish well water treatment grants scheme assists households dependent on private individual water supplies.
Private Well Water Treatment Grants
Rural Irish households still use private wells for their home water supply. Unlike public water supplies, these private wells do not get checked by water testing authorities which questions the quality of water in your private well.
If you do not have access to public water or group water scheme, the Well Grant Scheme is just for you. Grants are available under the Rural Water Programme for the carrying out of improvement works to a private water supply (this means a water supply providing water intended for human consumption and domestic purposes that serves only one house).
The objective of the scheme is to provide assistance to households who are dependent on private individual well supplies and incurring capital expenditure.
Note: Normal place of residence includes long-term rentals but excludes private holiday homes and properties operated on a commercial basis such as short-term rentals, self-catering properties, mobile homes/caravans. Properties owned by local authorities, housing associations, Health Services Executive etc. are not eligible.