Industrial Reverse Osmosis Systems
Our Industrial Reverse Osmosis systems (RO Systems) ranging in size from 1 GPM (1440 GPD) to 500 GPM (720,000 GPD) that can remove up to 99.5% of dissolved salts and virtually all colloidal and suspended matter from the most challenging feed water including municipal, brackish, and sea water applications. RO units produce a high quality water yield at a low cost compared to other purification processes.
Our Industrial Reverse Osmosis systems are custom designed specifically for your water treatment needs by an experienced team of application, mechanical and chemical engineers. One Eight RO systems are built using only high quality components that will provide reliable long-term operation. They arrive at your site hydrostatically tested and ready to produce water with complete documentation and operator training. We also provide the pretreatment equipment and chemistry required to ensure optimal performance and life span of your RO membranes. You can feel confident knowing that we have a full service support team available 24/7 to assist with any emergencies.